Materials of the scientific journal cover problems of the modern information technologies development and related intelligent systems modeling technology in the context of automation of decision support processes in various spheres of human life.

For a wide range of technical specialists, scientists, students of higher educational institutions, post-graduate students, IT specialists and everyone, who is interested in information technology sphere.

Established in: 2019

Topics: Publication of research results in the field of information technology, information and intellectual systems, monitoring technology, application and system software enginiaring, including robotic complexes, information security and computer networks, modeling and development telecommunication systems, including hardware.

State registration certificate: КВ № 23716-13556Р від 10.01.2019

Frequency: two times per year

Language of the publication: mixed languages: Ukrainian, English, Russian

Founder: Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy

Editor-in-chief: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor Igor Osaulenko

Associate Editor: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Volodymyr Kvasnikov

Executive editor: PhD in Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor Iryna Zhyriakova

Executive secretary: PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Assistant Professor Borys Onyshchenko

Editorial board: Igor Osaulenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor; Volodymyr Kvasnikov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Yurii Liashenko, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor; Yurii Kulakov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Serhii Telenyk, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Igor Chmyr, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Igor Emri, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Slovenia); Volodymyr Salapatov, PhD in Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor; Iryna Zhyriakova, PhD in Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor; Borys Onyshchenko, PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Assistant Professor; Valentyn Avramenko, PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Assistant Professor.

Editorial office address: 81 Shevchenko Blvd. (bld. № 3), Cherkasy

Telephone: (0472)33-07-59


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